When I started thinking about home schooling my children, I wanted to give it a trial run before committing full time. Both of my boys are enrolled in Pre-school this year, the oldest for 3 days, and the younger one for 2 days. On the days that the boys do not go to school, we will be doing some home school activities. I have a lot of the planning underway, but before I go too crazy, I want to make sure I’m not confusing them, especially my oldest Little Piggy. He’s in the 3 year-old class this year, so they’ll be doing letter recognition, letter sounds, etc. I want to make sure I’m following along with his teacher before I write my lessons in stone.
My youngest Piggy is in the Wee Learn (1 year old class) so they will be doing a lot of play. He actually turns 2 in September, but just misses the cut-off date. I’m honestly glad about that. I’d rather he be older than the other children in his class than the youngest – Especially as a boy!
As a side note – We may decide to pull them out at Christmas, or we may let them finish up the year. It all depends on the boys, how they’re doing in school, how we like teaching from home, and just good old mommy gut instinct.
All that being said, the first thing I felt like I needed to do was get myself mapped out for the year. When I was teaching, the school either provided a lesson planners, we created them on the computer, or we purchased them with classroom funds (back in the day when teachers still received classroom funds). I looked through my school files and they were way too complex for pre-schoolers. It was time to start creating some cute things!
The first thing I felt like I needed was a calendar. I actually ended up creating several of them. One is a school calendar, taking you from August 2014 – July 2015. The second continues on through the end of December 2015.
Without further ado, here they are!
You can download the 2014-2015 School Calendar here. 14-15 School Calendar
For the full calendar from August 2014 all the way through December 2015, you can click here to download that PDF. 14-15 School CalendarPlus
I’m so glad you downloaded my calendar! Here at This Little Pig Stayed Home, we believe in giving back to others. Please feel free to use this on your websites, teacherspayteachers.com, lessons for school, or any other use as long as there is no resale. Please pay it forward! All we ask is that you provide a link to www.ThisLittlePigStayedHome.com, and give credit to www.melstampz.blogspot.ca/ for the amazing backgrounds. Go check her out! You won’t be sorry!
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